When & Where
The Uptown Theater
Richland, WA
Spring 2016
Company was originally titled Threes; its plot revolves around Bobby, a single man unable to commit fully to a steady relationship. The show included his best friends, five couples all married, and his three girlfriends. The show is composed of short vignettes linked by a celebration of his 35th birthday. Company, when first presented, was one of the first musicals to deal with adult themes. Sondheim remarked that many people used theatre to escape from day to day trials but with Company those themes and relationships just hit them square in the face. The music is driving and captivating featuring some of Sondheim’s best. The score includes Marry Me a Little, Another Hundred People, Getting Married Today, Side By Side by Side, The Ladies Who Lunch, all examples of the talents of Sondheim.